Monday, June 20, 2011

School is no longer kicking my Ass

So pretty much ever since I finished Rapunzel I have had my ass kicked violently by my last term at college.

Well second-to-last, but I don't count study abroad term...


So I barely had time to FINISH all my homework to give you a clue to how bad it was.

But it's over now and I'm back from vacation with my family so the rest of this summer is dedicated to two things:



Snow White & Rose Red, which althought I haven't been working on it for a while, is very much still going to happen. It's gonna benifit a lot from the feedback I got from Rapunzel which was told in the same style I planned on using for SWRR.

What's amazing is that I started this blog a year ago to help me keep up with information with SWRR, and now I'm still working on it and I'm even in an awesome VN Group, Happy Backwards, which includes a VN maker whom I had admired as soon as I had started going to the community.

Who'da thunk it XD~

Right now in RockRobin I am working on Claudette, a character whom I didn't create, but I did develop. Emma is done except for little things of course and I'd like to take on other characters as soon as I'm done with Claudette. My goal is to write as much of Open Play Mode as I can, as fast as I can so we can get Open Play Mode out with the original release of the game.

My other goal is to start writing SWRR again so that I hopefully get enough to release a demo before my study abroad. Due to my lack of work this summer this should be plausible.... Especially since I should be able to churn the writing out pretty easily since Rapunzel helped me master the storybook style I had been going for.

So here is to a summer that is just as productive as last summer! *CHEERS*