Number 1: I finished all of Rose Red's lineart. All I have left are tweeks and color! I still have to do the Festival of Colors versions of the sprite (god I'm a masochist) however. Which brings me to...
Number 2: Both Rose's and Snow's festival clothing have been designed! Yay! I'm not much of a clothing designer so this is a pretty big thing XD (it was pretty big when I designed the girls' everyday clothing too...)
Number 3: This may be the BIGGEST accomplishment art wise that I have had it and it has pretty much solidified that I'll be able to draw this game... As you can see above, I have DRAWN SNOW WHITE'S LINEART! I was able to match the style (biggest feat ever, seriously) and other than a few tweaks I'm done with it. I still have to come up with 2 arm positions and do all the facial expressions but seriously I'm so happy right now!
Storyline front... XD I only finished writing 2-3 more endings! It's so tedious and it's just the same stuff slightly tweaked over and over again.
I'm also very distraught over the fact that I have LOST tomorrow as a day to work as my Mom has decided impromptu 6Flags outing that I HAVE to drive her for. *sigh* I'd rather not, but I don't have too much choice in this matter.
So though Saturday was going to be my posting for recruitment date, it looks like I'm going to have to push it back. I want to get at least half of the endings written.. and the two arm positions done so I can color the two linearts (so that I can post fully finished sprites).
Gaaah, wish me luck :)
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