Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hello Everyone

Amusingly enough my blog has been found out! Might as well open the doors completely. Though I do warn anyone just reading this I do have a bad tendency to post spoilers on here since I use this blog to organize my thoughts and keep myself updated on the progress.

Speaking of progress CELEBRATION the chibis for Rock Robin are done! I can't believe I actually did this (AH line from Tangled *hears Rapunzel saying it in her brain*).

It's thanks to the Snowpocalypse, because it gave me a VERY rare snow day for my school (who has had now three snow days in the last 30 years). Now I can write again! Yay!

Since very few people do read this and we kinda slightly spilled the beans aaaannnyway I would like to say that those of us who are at the core at working on Rock Robin have formed a VN circle/group called Happy Backwards. It's pretty exciting. I've been working on a branding/logo for class and I just finally think I got it all worked out, so hopefully my teacher and my fellow members will enjoy it.

I'm thinking of maybe starting to work on CGs for the "prologue" of SWRR now as well, mostly because I'm starting to become really happy with how it looks when I play it now. It gives the perfect fairytale feeling when it's read and it doesn't make me want to gouge my eyes out. And now that I don't have the chibis to do I can also do some writing for SWRR. I'd like to get the demo done before summer, especially since I might be away in Japan.

Anyway that's all for right now <3