Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Hello everyone~! There has not been an update here inf forever for the reason that life took me by the scruff the neck and was like: HI I EXIST.

What has been happening?

Well first, the entire staff has been assembeled!


Doggy Nino


Background Artist

Event Artist

Sprite Artist


Yes that is correct, I now have someone to help me with the programming aspect and a background artist!

The programmer is currently working on a kickass game called RockRobin that a character of mine (Emma Taylor) will be featured in Open Play mode. I highly recommend you google that and see the awesomeness.

The background artist I just scooped up and she's amazing!

Here is an example: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v294/Kaorien/art/bg001-2.png WHICH WILL BE IN THE GAME AND IF YOU STEAL IT I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN.


Staff aside, the prologue is officially written! Will be editting it a bit and then heading on to chapter 1.

Artwise I'm tackling the Bear. I have never drawn a bear before this so it's taking some time and a lot of practice.

But yes.

Till next time, wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I officially have 4 editors and 2 secondary writers!

thebutt (she is a very special girl)
Doggy Nino

Secondary Writers
Doggy Nino

I welcome them aboard!

At first it seemed like a lot of both... but I think I'm going to need the help ~_~ I just realized how DAMN LARGE this game is going to be. There are already 50+ events and I might be adding 4 more to balance things out between Wolf/Bear and Don

In other news however.


Glad I waited to start the scripting until I got the Basic Plot edits back, I have a lot to look over and think about (which makes me HAPPY and no that is not sarcasm I really am happy about this). And I'm still waiting on one more editor (who warns me a lot that they are overly critical so I'm kinda excited to see what the weakest points they find).

So that has been put into editing.

I have however started the script for the Static Novel Portion (Which is pretty much directly from the fairytale so it won't be up for too much editting plotwise) I've finished Rose's half of the prologue... but I'm not very happy with it so I'm probably going to go over again before writing Snow's and then sending it off to the judges.

Artwise I have started work on the main menu imagemap. After that I'm off to start drawing Don's and the Princes' sprites. Snow White's and Rose Red's aren't technically 100% finished (Snow's skirt is unshaded and most of their expressions are unshaded too, but I was going to do those right before they are put into the "screenshots" or tests.

After the sprites are done I start work on the Event CGs (starting with all the endings as most of those are final as CGs)

Hopefully next time I update this we'll have another screenshot (this time of the main menu)!

Until then~

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Vacation OVER

So vacation is finally over and I'm already back on top of things (aren't you all proud of me?)

I may or may not have 2 more editors! I have to wait for them to reply back (if they do.. ): ) I still don't have a programmer however which I'm rather unhappy about. I might end up having to do it, meaning this game will NOT be done by the end of the summer like I'd hope.

It also for certain seems like I will have to do the backgrounds. I'm seriously hoping to find a free source for them, but if not well... I'm going to have to learn to paint on top of photos to make them look the way I want to. This also will push back the due date for it.

What I do have done however~~ Is the interface! (well by interface I mean the frame for the text, the rest of the interface isn't complete) And I put together a quick and dirty fake screenshot to show you it!

I hope you like it XD I'm still debating whether to put buttons to save/load go to prefrences and auto/skip on the frame, I want to, but I don't want to mess with the design I have.

Oh and the ribbon bookmark is where the MC's face will be while she speaks.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Oh, P.S. Upgraded to a new Bamboo Fun as I would have had to work for the new pen anyway. I'm loving it :) Still need to get a few things straightened out so I get used to it, but other than that ish all good.


Holy mackeral YAY I have reached my goal!

Okay I well I cheated a bit. I'm actually only 3/4 done with coloring Snow White and I still need to shade Rose Red's expressions, but Story is 100% Complete and the MC Sprites are close to that (except for the special costume both of them have but I will worry about that when we get far enough that the Festival of Colors matter).

I have one editor on my team right now, ms. THEBUTT (8D). She has been checking over things and telling me what makes sense and what doesn't. In fact she started ANALYZING it like literature, which made me happy. It's a good sign when that can happen right? XD

Anyway posted up a work in progress thread at lemmasoft: GO HERE

Oh and above everything is the official banner/logo for SWRR~ (It's an open book, cause it's a fairytale! *dies*) Anyway, happy progress is happy like! Hopefully recruitment goes well.



Thursday, July 1, 2010


So I have good news and I have bad news.

Good news is that the plotline has been 100% finished.

The bad news? I have misplaced my tablet pen and all art is put on hold until this problem is fixed. Coloring will take me 5 times as long without it for one and I also need to finished a couple more expressions.

I was hoping to have finally reached my goal by tomorrow night... (life has been getting in the way so much this week).

Sorry guys, I know that I am frustrated by this so you must all be. Wish me luck in finding it? I don't have the money to buy a replacement right now.